Business Development Director, Telecomunications Engineer, GIS solutions Engineer & Developer of Liwal Mahasib, a multilingual, cloud, mobile & blockchain enabled ERP, CMS & CRM platform, Liwal Pashto Keyboard for Android, Liwal Dictionary, Liwal ADSB Radar Surveillance system and other applications. University Top Graduate and Bachelor of Engineering specializing in Telecommunications. Holder of United Arab Emirates 10 years Golden Visa on the merit of being an outstanding university graduate in Telecommunications engineering with GPA of 3.92. Author, collector & Editor, Telecommunications & Engineering Terminology, Liwal Dictionary, please see Online Winner of Advanced Engineering on AVDD a smart face recognition based remotely controlled virtual access system, in the UOWD Annual Innovation Fair 2017 please see: Published paper on a smart vertical micro farm focusing on remote control and wireless mesh networks in the year 2017. Please see Worked on a project that won the Fintech subcategory in the Ministry of Finance Hackathon at the year 2016. Studied IGCSE curriculum in Dubai, UAE, securing 5 A*, 2 A & 1 C and was school topper of the year 2015.